April 21, 2013

Me?? Getting Married??

Did that title grab your attention? If you know me then you know that I am already happily married and have been for the past sixteen years. Okay, so our marriage has had some rough patches. So I would say that we have been married for sixteen years and very happily married for the past nine years. Everyone goes through some rough patches, right? Just agree with me here to make me feel better, okay.....?

So, even though I am happily married already, I just couldn't pass up this amazing deal on such a pretty dress that I found at Marden's in Brewer, Maine! I can just picture us renewing our vows on an island far far away. This dress is just so simply elegant and timeless. 
{dress by Isaac Mizrahi}
 I LOVE the fact that it has no embellishments whatsoever. I will be carrying daises and I will have my hair up in two braids worn on the top of my head kind of like this:
I probably won't be as tan as Mary-Kate though. But isn't this the perfect do for this dress?! I can also picture a few daisies in my hair as well. It's a good thing I am starting to grow my hair out!

 Okay, now for the best part of this purchase. This dress cost me $5.00! Maybe I will have enough money to go on a honeymoon this time around!
{buttons on the back of dress}

{ruffled layers underneath skirt}

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I ADORE this dress, Laura!!!!