October 18, 2010

Not so fast! Don't put away those white jeans yet! (or never!)

How many of you even thought twice about packing those white jeans away?? Yes, I am talking white, not cream, not oatmeal, not winter white. I mean WHITE............
That's what I thought! Most of you have put them away and have made the decision to not take them back out until spring 2011, right? Well, get them back out already! White jeans, cords, and/or any other winter weight pant is okay to wear even when the weather cools off. I am loving white jeans with grey right now. Here are a few photos to give you some ideas:

This is what I wore today:

Grey swing sweater from Gap
Grey and black leopard print velour scarf from Talbots
Jewelry by Silpada
White jeans from Talbots

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