December 11, 2015

A Bittersweet Announcement!

I began writing this blog back in June of 2009. You may have enjoyed this journey with me from the very beginning, or may you have just recently joined the ride.....
{Vintage Sara Coventry Necklace can be found at The Canny Canary}
It all began with the thought that I wanted to be a personal stylist......along with all the rest of the bloggers out there. I actually already am a personal stylist. I just don't work for myself. I make a certain company millions of dollars by styling their customers for them. These customers buy the clothes from that company that make them look and feel great. What a concept! What has been killing me, is that I have always thought that I could do all this on my own. I didn't need to work for anyone else. However, the women I styled would have to wear something. I still would be making companies millions of dollars if I pursued my career in being a personal stylist. And I am good with that. I am all about supporting businesses especially when it comes to the fashion business.

Meanwhile, I have continued on my journey of blogging. Telling you about the latest trends that you "must have" and lots of times I would model my favorite styles for you from the store that I currently manage, which will remain nameless in this story. You probably already know anyway.....

As time has gone on I actually have had the opportunity to style some ladies outside of the company I work for which was awesome! They actually allowed me to go into their closets and help them come up with multiple outfits using the pieces that they already had. I even took pictures of the looks I put together and made photo albums for them to refer back to when getting ready for work, play or a date night. It was great! The photo albums were actually a ton of work, but I got a lot of pleasure from making something that I hoped they would keep on the shelf in their closets forever to refer to. But unfortunately styles change, and eventually that book would be irrelevant to them. Now ladies are becoming much more virtual, including myself. A book like that would create extra clutter in a world where we are trying to get into a "less is more" state of mind. But I had a lot of fun with that while it lasted. I still continued blogging and sharing my looks almost every day. It was almost like I didn't feel right if I didn't post a look. I guess I got a little obsessed. I also kept looking at what other big name bloggers were doing, and it was always much bigger and better than what I was doing. I tried to keep up with them. I later learned that they had a team. I had me. I couldn't possibly keep up.

Last spring I came up with another idea. It was to begin an online resale boutique filled with high end brands that looked almost brand new. I named it The Canny Canary. You might be familiar with it. It has evolved a bit since then. It was difficult to sell used clothing online because people are skeptical about purchasing things that have been previously worn. I don't blame them I guess. I am very picky and I didn't list just anything. I had fun with that while it lasted. But it didn't really work for you. You see, I really want to create something that you will love. Something for you. Something that will help you look and feel special. Then came my idea about selling vintage jewelry at my online boutique, The Canny Canary.

So, if you go to The Canny Canary now, you will see lots of pretty vintage accessories hand picked by yours truly. I only pick pieces that I feel are unique and could work with your look in todays world. Please tell me if I have done it. I welcome any type of feedback. I have always had a thing for mixing it up a little bit when it comes to fashion and even home decor. I like mixing old with new, sparkly with dull. You get the idea. The Canny Canary customer likes mixing it up too. It creates a more interesting look! Wouldn't you agree? If so you might be A Canny Canary girl, like me.

This spring you will see some clothing flying into The Canny Canary Boutique. The clothing will not be vintage. It will be a collection of carefully picked brand new pieces chosen by yours truly and listed under The Canny Canary label. I will be showing them off on the blog and putting up links for you to follow if you would like to purchase them at my online boutique.

In a nutshell that is where I am at. So, I would like to announce that Laura's Style will now be the official blog of The Canny Canary and will be moving to The Canny Canary Online Boutique. I still will be offering you tips and tricks to help you get dressed. The only difference is that I will not be promoting any other brands except my own, The Canny Canary. Is that okay with you? I figure, that there are plenty of other fashion bloggers out there promoting the big brands. It's time that this small town girl stays faithful to herself and you, The Canny Canary customer. And if you are not a Canny Canary Customer, my hope is that you will stay tuned to my new blog and perhaps become one. It won't be anything crazy big. It will still be me. But if you watch, it may evolve into something bigger than me. Which is ultimately my dream. It will take time and much effort and I will still be working my day job, so I will blog when I can and I will supply new products to the shop whenever my income allows. And if you see something you love and you make a purchase from The Canny Canary, please know that your money is going towards making the boutique even better for you!

It's not easy having this itch! I have been holding back from scratching my itch for years. That's why I need your help and I welcome your opinions. I'll take the good with the bad and make it into something great for you. That is a promise.

As the new year rolls in, I will be writing blog posts about some of the vintage accessories I am carrying at The Canny Canary as well as some style tips. I will be taking it in stride, so you may not see as many blog posts from me as you did in the past. I will still be working my day job 40 plus hours a week, but I will also be working on my business plan which is going to take a lot of my time. But it's time to get serious. I no longer want this to be a hobby. I want it to be my job. And within 5 years I will be working a heck of a lot more than 40 hours but it will be at my own retail store, not someone else's. It seems so hard to believe doesn't it. I have come to the realization that these things do not happen over night. I am setting a date of July 26th 2020 to open a bricks and mortar boutique. Will you enjoy this ride with me? I sure hope so. I promise I will try to make it interesting for you and totally transparent. I will keep you posted on where I am at from time to time if you follow me on my new Laura's Style blog. You can get there by clicking HERE. Will you come with me?

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