About Laura

Kiel James Patrick Dress
Dress: Kiel James Patrick
Hello. My name is Laura Lynn Michaud.

I was born, raised, and currently reside in the lovely state of Maine, where I write this blog that is focused on classic fashion.

  My signature style is classic with a twist. That twist includes wearing classic pieces and then pairing them with something more a little more trendy to keep my look modern. I enjoy accessorizing with vintage. I love making what's old new again by styling it in fresh ways.

I have a love for ballet deep in my heart. I always thought I was going to become a ballerina. Although I have not taken a dance class or performed for many years, I still tell people that I am a dancer. Dance is embedded into my soul. I admire performers for the sheer fact that they allow us to just sit back watch them as they cast upon us their pure dreamy magicThey work so incredibly hard and go through so much pain while simultaneously making it look so easy, and all for our pure enjoyment. Now that takes passion and discipline.

     I am not an interior designer but, I like to think that I would be great at it if money were no object. 

I enjoy sewing, although I don't consider myself an expert sewist. Still, that is one of my goals. I am very interested in quality garment construction and fit. I believe that those two elements can make or break your look. If you don't wear clothing that enhances your body, it tends to affect your mood. Classic pieces that fit properly are always in style.

Cooking is fun, especially when my husband and I do it together, which we try to make a habit of almost every night. 

     I am a very visual person. I like clean lines, yet I also appreciate a beautiful mess. It's hard to explain. I like opposites. Soft with rough. Shiny with matte. Old with new. 

     I love meeting and being among interesting people who have innovative ideas. We can learn a lot from each other if we let go of our insecurities and live.

Well, enough about me! Please leave me a comment on one of my blog posts! Let's talk about you.


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