December 25, 2010

On The 25th Day Of Christmas......

On the 25th day of Christmas my REAL true love gave to me.......
 ........this to die for vintage cameo ring that he found at the Antique Marketplace & Cafe on Main St. in downtown Bangor Maine. He knows what I like, that's for sure!! I couldn't imagine what he got me when he told me that he hoped that I liked it since it was non refundable, because he was able to talk them into selling it to him for a really great price. Who would ever want to bring this little beauty back??? Not I, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!
Merry Christmas to one and all!!


Vickie Laliotis said...

Gorgeous! What a lovely gift, you lucky girl you! :)



Laura Michaud said...

Thanks! I am a lucky girl ;)